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(Parent Teacher Association)

Who is the PTA?

The short answer is you, the parent next to you, and the parent next to that parent. In other words, every parent and/or guardian of a child at AEA is a member of the PTA. The PTA is governed by the Executive Board, made up of parent volunteers just like you, who helps coordinate important school efforts between faculty and parents.



What does the PTA do?

The PTA supports the school administration in providing a nurturing and enriching environment for our children. We raise money: to offer additional enrichment programs, to fund support for the school with nurse supplies/recess equipment/staff support, to provide everything our children need to blossom.

We attend meetings: the monthly PTA meeting is not the only important one. We attend SLT meetings (School Leadership Team), CEC meetings (Community Education Council), D28 town-hall meetings and presidents’ council meetings.

That helps us to be informed and if necessary to advocate for our children as well as to inform you.



How can I be involved?

For a striving school community we need each and every one of you!

There are many ways to be involved:

  • Attend our monthly meetings: we typically meet every 2nd Thursday from 7-8pm in the school

  • Volunteer in a fundraiser: we have many different fundraisers throughout the school year and are always in need of volunteers

  • Donate: our PTA is a recognized 501(c)3 non-profit and you can make tax-deductible financial contributions

  • Sign up for our weekly email blast to stay informed about every possibility to support the PTA

  • Run for a position for the next school year!!!

Want More Info?

Visit their website:


Join their Facebook Group:


Follow their instagram:

Have Questions?

You can email the PTA Executive Board Members:


For questions regarding the PTA aftercare please send an email to:

68-60 110 Street, Forest Hills, NY 11375

P: 929-467-6200 | F: 929-467-6201

Grades: PreK- 5

School Hours 8:10AM-2:30PM

Barbara Leto, Principal

Rosanna Sferrazza, Assistant Principal

© 2022 by AEA PS303Q

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